

● I am far more interested in depths than surfaces. My cultural home lies between ambitious journalism and the underground. Content is my thing, and pop culture with sophistication. I love the written word; a surprising visual language and I value paper as the medium for the message. Consequently, editorial design is the heart of Studio Spading's portfolio. If the path to the communication goal requires advertising efforts, I also produce posters and all kinds of pretty propaganda, and even record covers, too. My guiding design principle is: if there is something to communicate, especially if it's complex, extensive and involves a ton of characters, then make sure that it is read, and read with ease.

What I do I am doing for brands, publishers, institutions, and agencies for over 25 years. 10 of those years as founder, partner and creative director of zmyk. I teach at design schools and universities, am appointed to juries and have won international awards for the design of numerous publications. For further insights into my work, a thick pdf is ready for download.